Furniture Story

LEGNATEC Management PhilosophyTo Greatly Contribute to Humane and
Social Development by Single-heartedly Creating
Wonderful Products which Make People Happy & Satisfy
their Individual Lives. For this Goal, Each of us aims to Develop
their Autonomy & Work-Responsibility through their own Significant Jobs.
LEGNATEC’S FIVE (5) Work Principles.With Clear Aim to Grow as the Top Model Company in Furniture & Interior Industry, We Offer Beautiful & Comfortable Ways of Living to People.

・By Creating Better Circumstances that greatly help Self-Fulfilment & Self-Growth for All of Us, We Realize our Business Growth and the Mental & Physical Happiness of Every People Working for Legnatec.

Sincerely Devoted to Work Every Day for our Customers and Cooperative Companies, Always Holding Our Great Gratitude toward Them.
By Thinking of Best Harmony among Human, Nature and Technology, We Make the Best Use of and Effectively Recycle Limited Resources:Thus, Aiming to Co-Exist with Earth Environment.
With High Priority Set on 【Dream・Timing・Encountering】and By Using Positive Ways of Speech & Modesty, We try to Realize Unlimited Potentiality into Shape.

名称 レグナテック株式会社
創業 1964年(昭和39)年6月
設立 1972年(昭和47)年9月
資本金 1,200万円
所在地 本社・工場・ショールーム
TEL : 0952-47-6111
FAX : 0952-47-6113
IP-phone: 050-3385-9480
従業員数 45名
役員 代表取締役社長 樺島雄大 常務取締役 樺島光浩 取締役 樺島賢吾
取引銀行 日本政策金融公庫 佐賀支店 佐賀銀行 諸富支店 福岡銀行 大川支店 佐賀東信用組合 諸富支店 商工中金 佐賀支店
事業内容 一般家庭用家具の企画・製作・販売 公共施設及び店舗用特注家具の企画・製作・販売 創作家具、インテリア小物の企画・製作・販売 オリジナル雑貨、各種インテリア雑貨の販売
1964(昭和39)年 6月 佐賀郡諸富町において、マルニ木工を個人創業
1972(昭和47)年 9月 諸富マルニ木工株式会社を設立(資本金300万円)
1988(昭和63)年 9月 資本金1,200万円に増資
1989(平成元)年 9月 レグナテック株式会社へ社名変更
1994(平成6)年 4月 佐賀県唐津市に直販店 レグナアルタームを開設
2002(平成14)年 11月 レグナアルタームに藏工房を開設
2004(平成16)年 1月 本社にショールームを開設
2004(平成16)年 10月 厚生労働省より高齢者雇用開発コンテストで努力賞受賞
2006(平成18)年 3月 中小企業経営革新計画承認企業の認定を受ける
2010(平成22)年 5月 本社ショールーム「CLASSE」にて直営販売を開始
2014(平成26)年 9月 創業50周年を迎える
2015(平成27)年 9月 グッドデザイン賞 ジャパニーズファニチャーセレクション 受賞
2015(平成27)年 9月 海外事業(輸出)開始
2016(平成28)年 1月 大川 住空間デザインコンペ 内閣総理大臣賞 受賞
2017(平成29)年 11月 『ARIAKE』ブランド発表
2018(平成30)年 1月 『CLANTREE』ブランド発表
2019(令和1)年 7月 『dear sir/madam』ブランド発表


Severely-Selected Highest Quality Materials

Simplified designing is the current trend in Interior & Furniture Industry, and this depends on the highest quality-level of natural wooden materials. To fulfill this trend and satisfy users, we have to have a good eye for the quality level of natural wooden materials. Just like human beings, such natural woods show their own unique characteristic and expressions. Let’s have a time in our life to enjoy such expressions of natural woods. Thus, we can make our life more enjoyable.
LEGNATEC always selects high quality wooden materials really proper for furniture and procure only highest-quality wooden materials from around the world.

Semi-Customized Ordering System

Perfectly-Satisfying Materials, Size and Finishing Method

Comfortable Interior for users is based on the well-balanced harmony between Interior Items and the Space in a room. Through our products, we want to perfectly satisfy all different customers-those who are very particular with interior items and those who live in different living circumstances.
Proudly having full-range choices & variety of materials, sizes, finishing methods, etc., LEGNATEC is always ready to satisfy diversified customers’ needs to create their own well-harmonized living spaces. To satisfy all types of customers’ needs, we have a very unique semi-customized ordering system, under which, for example, we can offer as many as 4,284 variations of one dining table just to satisfy your needs exactly. For our better understanding, our Semi-Customized Ordering System has been enabled by our in-house manufacturing in Saga Japan

Ecology & Safety

Environment- & Health-Friendlily Designed Products

-LEGNATEC is highly committed to protect the health of our precious users and to perverse the green-rich nature for next generations. Creating Furniture Products to last for life and using Furniture Products with love for a long period are a good way to preserve our nature and earth.

-LEGNATEC aims to create such attractive furniture products, which our users love and use them so carefully for a long term, and also provide them with good after-sales service to help the furniture products keep well so long for such their users.

– LEGNATEC has been committed to design, develop and provide earth- & health-friendly products through various green activities for our users’ health, our earth and its beautiful nature. For example, reduction in the use of VOC (volatile organic compounds) and many other harmful chemicals, effective use of woods with no waste, reuse & recycle of woods and materials, use of broad-leaved trees grown in USA famous for world’s highest-level forest management.


